My student email has become the centre of my universe. The Stats and Finance lecturer keeps pumping out email with practice questions and they keep coming thick and fast! This week we have a Stats quiz worth 20% - ouch. It started off well but then we got into multiple random variables and then things really did get random!
This week was a solid week and tracked as follows:
- Organisational leadership - we got into decision making, at an individual, group and organisational levels. What works and how it can be compromised
- Economics - We finished off Reserve Bank and monetary policy and got into multi criteria decision making. Theory crossed over from organisational leadership but an economists perspective is different from a psychologists - believe me!
- Finance - this week was all about the quiz on Wednesday. Been a while since I have done something like that - nerve racking!
- Stats - as mentioned, we are into multiple random variables which has taken a bit of effort to get on top of but it seems to be sinking in