Sunday, 2 June 2013

Sometimes I get excited about strange things...

I have just finished my first draft of my economics assignment on multi-criteria decision making. I have just basically been typing up a storm for the last 4 hours, not because it was due but because I couldn't stop. My wife has gone to bed, probably thinking I am a weirdo!

Anyway, my assignment is using the decision making software called 1000minds. Check it out at . The lecturer, Paul Hansen actually invented not only the software but the actual decision making process behind it - PAPRIKA. It even has its own Wiki. Pretty cool.

Anyway, we had to come up with a decision either within our syndicate groups, with a person we were aligned with or on our own. I took the opportunity to do something very personal and go it alone - very self indulgent I know but you have to make the most of the opportunity especially as when you get to use something like this on a personal decision.

What's my decision you ask? Well based on the preferences (criteria) of myself and a couple mates, we are using the software to decide whether we should go into business together and what type of business we should get into. So you can see why I have worked up a full head of steam. First draft finished - good findings! Will revise this week and see how I go.

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