Friday, 26 July 2013

The Jaffa Race!

On Friday at lunchtime, time stood still - well in Dunedin anyway! Above is a pick of my beautiful girls at the finish line of the Cadbury Jaffa Race. Dunedin is the spiritual home of Cadbury in NZ and every year they have a week long festival chocolate festival that culminates in rolling thousands and thousands of jaffas (little coated chocolate balls) down the world's steepest street - Baldwin Street. It is every kids' wildest fantasy. Primary school kids are out in force with shopping bags picking up hundreds of chocolate balls!

Every year the colour of the coating of the balls remains a mystery until they release them in the second race. The first race is standard orange but this year, in the second race, they were lime green - it was mental. In each race there are 35,000 balls each individually numbered. The numbers are sold as raffle tickets and raise money for charity. The person who's ticket number matches the number of the first Jaffa across the finish line wins. 15,000 people showed - the local radio station ran the day and there was even some live music. There was a real community feel with schools and the Lions Clubs running sausage sizzles and bake sales to ensure we didn't go hungry. A welcome relief from study!

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