Thursday, 15 August 2013

Free beer for the best comment...

Ok, starting to think about my next step post study in January. What better to ask the masses what I should start to consider as career options post study. I have some good ideas but what better to go to my readers and ask what I should consider as a career options. For going to the effort of commenting I am prepared to shout you a beer the next time I see you. The best advice will get a beer but I will also reward humorous efforts as well! Try to be constructive :)

Comment away!


  1. Start your own company,you will rock!

  2. That is a good first up comment Ankit - I like!

  3. Professional masseuse, chef, husband?

  4. Examine your strength, interest and work experience - find a good fit to that.

  5. Insurance - you get paid to go to the pub on Fridays, golf on Tuesdays, functions at the yacht squadron...

    The only problem is its insurance.
